I'm saved, sanctified and filled with the holy spirit. This blog has a little of everything. So... read on you're guaranteed to find something interesting...

"Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised" Proverbs 31v30 AMP

Sunday, December 29, 2013

BzzAgent.com ---The Cottonelle Routine

        (Photo credited from BzzAgent.com)

Hello Bloggers,

   I have become in LOVE with trying products whether purchased or freebies but I love to try them and write a blog, tweet, write a FB post or even snap a pic/video on IG.  I LOVE TO SHARE!!! lol Well, I get the pleasure to try the New Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleaning Cloths courtesy of BzzAgent.com.  They are pre-moistened for a thorough cleansing and freshening and absolutely totally SAFE to flush. These cloths are said to be biodegradable and designed to break down after flushing.  The refillable dispenser (pictured above) features a sleek new upright design  with smaller footprint, so it can be easily displayed on any flat surface in your bathroom. The dispenser has a moist lock seal that keeps the cloths fresher longer.

I can not wait to receive my dispenser in the mail soon. Please stay tuned for my review AFTER I've used this product. 


Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Book Club ---My So Called Life As A Proverbs 31 Wife by Sara Horn

Hello Bloggers,

I know is has been a while since I've posted a blog. I have been absolutely LOVING this holiday season spending time with my children, family and friends. But through this time I've managed to read an awesome book about being a Proverbs 31 wife. If you haven't already read my profile, I am a single mother of three. I'm not married but this book  has enlighten me, convicted some things I've been doing as well as inform. 

Sara Horn is a military wife, mom, speaker and an amazing author. I've never been much of a reader because many books just don't keep my attention after the first few chapters but this book did. In this book Sara humility and humor as she sets immerse herself in all things "domestic" to become a modern day Proverbs 31 wife.

I will not give away any details of this awesome book but she does go through a few cooking mishaps, a Cub Scout campout, and several failed attempts with knitting and other household chores.  She discovers a new way to define being a godly woman, wife and mother. She learns investing in family and faith can bring surprising (and happy) results. She also learn to take her mistakes as a opportunity for growth ...as well as laughter.

Whether you're married or not this is an awesome book to read. I highly recommend. I will be purchasing another book written by Sara Horn titled My so called life as a submissive wife. I'm super excited to dig in ...stay tuned for a review of that book as well.