Hello Bloggers,
I have become in LOVE with trying products whether purchased or freebies but I love to try them and write a blog, tweet, write a FB post or even snap a pic/video on IG. I LOVE TO SHARE!!! lol Well, I get the pleasure to try the New Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleaning Cloths courtesy of BzzAgent.com. They are pre-moistened for a thorough cleansing and freshening and absolutely totally SAFE to flush. These cloths are said to be biodegradable and designed to break down after flushing. The refillable dispenser (pictured above) features a sleek new upright design with smaller footprint, so it can be easily displayed on any flat surface in your bathroom. The dispenser has a moist lock seal that keeps the cloths fresher longer.
I can not wait to receive my dispenser in the mail soon. Please stay tuned for my review AFTER I've used this product.